I have been working with the American Fertility Association on using their educational materials and possibly even having Corey Whelan, Program Director, come speak to this group. Just in case you didn't know, the AFA is touring campuses to educate college students on infertility. Their program focus is on prevention - Infertility Prevention Program. What an amazing perspective to take! I realize infertility isn't "preventable" in many cases BUT in many cases there are risk factors and lifestyle changes that can be made to improve our chances.
- What IF women were educated on those things that they could do to decrease their chances?
- What IF women were aware at a young age that their biological clock does play a huge role in conceiving and how long it will take?
- What IF women and men understand that unsafe sex could reduce or eliminate the possibility of ever being able to have a baby?
- What IF women knew the signs and symptoms of certain diseases like PCOS and endometriosis and could address them earlier in their life?
- What IF someone that attends this event could educate 2 of their friends, and they could educate 2 of their friends and the cycle continued?
- What IF you could educate just one person on infertility and it helped them to prevent it or address their symptoms earlier?
I also want to reinforce that this opportunity came to me by just asking one question. There are still many unknowns in how this event will take place BUT I don't think that really matters. If 10 women come and learn one thing about infertility, it is a success. And we never know who else is watching and learning and passing the information on.
CALL TO ACTION: Do me one favor? Think of your life and if there are any opportunities for you to educate others about infertility. It could be as simple as you sharing this post with your network of family and friends? You don't need to do the educating, maybe you just connect the resources like I have done? Maybe you start a local support group or have lunch with someone that you heard is having trouble trying to conceive... information sharing is so important to navigate infertility.
Stay tuned for the ABC's of l-IF-e!